Friday, August 13, 2010

The Perks

Singleness comes with some downs... but a lot of ups, too.  I call them "perks". 

complete control of the TV
eating lots and lots of garlic
spending my play money on hair products that I don't need
having a messy house when I want it
having a clean house when I want it (and it staying that way)
no picking up of other people's dirty socks
eating cereal for dinner because I love cereal
having every inch of closet space in the whole house to myself
taking as long as I want in the bathroom
loooong baths with no interruptions
a princess bed
lots of time with my girl-friends
long "quiet-times" with the Lord
flexibility in serving the Church and the Lord

Sometimes as "singles", we spend too much time gazing at the greener grass of married life.  Sure there are perks there - different ones, and really sweet ones... but ours are good too.  So, tell me - what are some of your favorite Single Perks?

1 comment:

  1. This may seem like an odd perk...but the excitement of spending time with lots of friends, near and far, including ones that are of the male persuasion and enjoying the journey, whether it remains friends or more...the anticipation of what is next! I pray that if God blesses me in marriage one day, that same excitement and passion of anticipation will remain!

    BTW, I your blogs! Goodness, I'm so thankful for write and I, I could so be her friend. (In a very non-stalkish way of course.) :)

