Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What To Do With Your Sadness

First let me say - that I know, I know, I know - that there are Perks of singleness. You know that too... and that it is full of it's own set of good things. But sometimes you're sad. Or hurt. Or wounded. And maybe that doesn't have anything to do with "singleness"... maybe it has more to do with just being human.

The other day I woke up with a neck cramp. Not just a stick neck... but a pinch so painful I was literally sick to my stomach and couldn't breathe easily and had to work really hard to get out of bed. Not a good trinity. As I was praying, I had the realization that this pain was nothing compared to Jesus's on the cross. Which made me start thinking about all my other pains... the wounds of not being asked to the prom, of feeling left out when I wasn't invited to my friends' Valentine's dinner for couples, well... I could go on. Anyway, they might seem silly in the grown-up world - and especially silly to the people who went to the prom and weren't impressed by it. But, the truth is - there are bruises. There are still wounds...

And I think about that kiss. That Judas kiss. And I think about how the people followed Jesus because they were impressed by his magical bread-making skills and not because He Himself was the Bread of Life. And I think about how his friends fell asleep when He needed them.

And maybe my sadness can be part of what I understand of Jesus... that He was rejected... not that the prom measures up to millions of people rejecting you when You are the Son of God... but maybe I can remember that the next time I fall into sadness. Maybe I can think about what it means when I myself reject Jesus.

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