Friday, August 13, 2010

Why Haven't I Been Chosen?

I know... I know the deep, deep hurt you have.  I know that you feel like everyone around you has been picked.  And your heart is breaking.  I wish I could hug you.  I know you don't want me to say, "Those guys are stupid for not finding you!"... It would only make you force that fake smile even bigger.

And what I have to whisper to you today - I know it might seem trite.  It won't hold your hand or take you to the movies or kiss your cheek when that tear falls.  But, it's the truth.  And though your heart is going to have to fight to really believe it, it will give you life.

You have been chosen. In fact, in 2 Thessalonians 2:13 we read just how much you have been chosen... it's that chosen that your heart desires.  The kind that sweeps you off your feet as He takes you to himself and says You're Mine, aihreomai   It's not just just - "Oh, yah - I'll take that one because she's the last one left..." it's not a "Well, nothing better will come along" kind of choosing.  In fact, it has an element of This Is My Favorite.  You are God's choice.

So, OK... maybe you're not Bill or Steve or Jim-Bob's choice.  Although that would be really, really wonderful... in the end - it's God's choice that matters... And it's you knowing that.  He has chosen you to make you holy and blameless- and part of that is knowing to Whom you belong.

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